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Traduzioni richieste - adventurer

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83Lingua originale83
Inglese Only when the last tree has been cut down, Only...
Only when the last tree has been cut down,
Only when the last river has been poisoned,
Only when the last fish has been caught,
Then only will you see that money cannot be eaten.

Cree Indian Prophecy
(Extra request : Please use both Cree script and the Latin characters, in order to know how to pronounce it, thank you.)

Traduzioni completate
Svedese Först när det sista trädet huggits ned
Bulgaro Само когато последното дърво бъде отсечено
Francese Prophétie
Portoghese brasiliano Profecia Cree
Spagnolo Sólo así...
Russo Только после того, как..
Italiano Solo quando l'ultimo albero sarà stato abbattuto...
Ungherese Csak amikor az utolsó fát kivágták
Greco Μόνο όταν...
Albanese Vetëm kur të pritet edhe druri i fundit, Vetëm...
Polacco Proroctwo Indian Kri
Olandese Profetie
Rumeno Doar atunci când ultimul copac va fi fost doborât...
Serbo tek kada se poseče poslednje drvo, tek...
Lituano Kai tik paskutinis medis bus nukirstas, Kai tik...
Danese Først, når dest sidste træ er blevet fældet,...
Ebraico רק כשיכרת אחרון העצים
Persiano حفظ محیط زیست
Mongolo Ухаарал
Norvegese Først nåtr det siste tre er hogget ned, Først...
Afrikaans Slegs wanneer die laaste boom afgekap is, Slegs...
Esperanto Nur kiam la lasta arbo estos hakita
Cinese semplificato 只有当最后一棵树被砍伐,只有当最后一条河被污染,只有当最后一条鱼被捕捞,那时你才明白钱不是一切。 印度克里人预言
Tedesco Erst wenn
Ucraino Тільки коли ...
Cinese 只有當最後一棵樹被砍伐……
Finlandese Vasta sitten, kun viimeinenkin puu on kaadettu
Arabo فقط عندما
Catalano Sols quan el darrer arbre haurà estat tallat, Sols...